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Chris Beard
Chris Beard
Director, Building Products Research
John Burns Research and Consulting
Michael Chriszt
Michael Chriszt
VP and Regional Engagement Officer
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Nikki Greenberg
Nikki Greenberg
World’s Top Real Estate Futurist
Joe Harris
Joe Harris
Vice President of Government Advocacy
National Association of REALTORS
Bill Killmer
Bill Killmer
Senior Vice President, Legislative and Political Affairs
Mortgage Bankers Association
Jonathan Paine
Jonathan Paine
President & CEO
National Lumber & Building Material Dealers Association
Matthew Saunders
Matthew Saunders
Senior Vice President, Building Products Research
John Burns Research and Consulting
Abhi Singh
Abhi Singh
LMS Strategies
Alex Strong
Alex Strong
Senior Federal Legislative Director
National Association of Home Builders